We offer this page to review some common questions.
Ending a Lease: After the year lease is complete the resident may submit a 30 day notice if they intend to vacate.
Continuing a Lease: After the one year lease is fulfilled, the lease automatically becomes a month-to-month lease until a 30 day notice is submitted.
Rental Payments: Rent is due on the first day of the month and is late if received after the fifth of the month. Late fees are $10 on the sixth and then $3 per day until all rent is paid in full. A lease violation fee in the amount of $25 is charged if the payment is not received by the 10th.
Locks: Your door locks have been rekeyed before your move-in. Residents are not permitted to rekey or add locks to the doors. Please contact us if there are circumstances that require the locks to be rekeyed.
Pets: If your lease states no pets; no pets are allowed on the premises at any time. No visiting pets are allowed on the property.
Satellite Dishes: No satellite dishes are allowed to be mounted to the home/building or roof in anyway. Written permission must be received from landlord for proper installations of satellite dishes or wiring at permitted locations. Cable T.V. and Internet wiring also requires written permission if additional wiring or drilling is needed.
Overtime Calls & Emergencies: We offer a 24 hour answering service for your emergency needs after normal business hours. An emergency is considered a broken water pipe that could damage the property or an electrical problem that is a fire hazard. If you call the emergency number for any other problem, the resident may be assessed a $25 minimum charge. (Other charges may apply.) Please use common sense, could your service call wait until business hours or until normal waking hours? As most of us have been through the ice storm of 2009, we all have learned to “rough” it for a few hours without “necessities.” If your issue constitutes an emergency call 270-926-8303 and follow the prompts to get to the on call technician.
No Heat or Air Conditioning: In extreme temperatures a service company can be called for you after normal business hours. However, please call between the hours of 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Service companies will only come between those hours. The resident can be charged a service charge for this type of call. Please check your furnace filter or your circuit breaker for the furnace/air conditioner. This will sometimes remedy the problem. The furnace filter should be changed every other month for maximum efficiency and to prevent breakdowns.
Refrigerator or Appliance Failure: We do not have a service company that will work on appliances after normal business hours. Please call Benchmark Properties during normal business hours for this type of service. Sometimes a refrigerator can be reset and it will begin to cool again. To reset a refrigerator: unplug the refrigerator for at least 10 minutes, then plug back in. This may solve your issue. If your appliance is not working, please make arrangements with family or a neighbor to store or cook your food items until a service company can resolve your problem.